CNAS Accreditation of CSQMSA to ISO 17024
HKICA has obtained the accreditation from China National Accreditation Service 中國合格評定國家認可委員會 (CNAS) for the CERTIFICATION SCHEME OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUDITOR (CSQMSA) which is in compliance with ISO/IEC 17024:2012 (Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons) and CNAS CC-03:2014. Accreditation certificate was granted by the CNAS Chief Executive, Mr Xiao Jianhua to our President, Ir Dr Tommy Lo during our visit to Beijing in June 2016. The presentation ceremony was witnessed by HKICA Governning Council Member Dr Ivan Fung and Mr Lam Kam Kong and Executive Board Member Mr Huang Jian Min.
Registered member of HKICA certified auditor and all interested persons are cordially invited to take this opportunity to apply for transfer from existing membership grade to the corresponding internal auditor, assistant auditor, auditor or lead auditor level grade under our CSQMSA scheme.
Please refer to the following power points from the presentation materials of the briefing session held on 18 July 2015 for the introduction; roadmap to Lead Auditor and academic qualification, working experience and examination requirements for registration as members in the respective levels.
- Introduction to HKICA SME Project (Certification Bodies for Persons)
- Qualification, Working experience and Examination requirements for respective levels
- Examination Syllabus
- Specimen Questions
The application and examination fee charged is available from our fee schedule. In this respect, you are urged to take this advantage to register under the CSQMSA Scheme. You can download, complete and return the Application form together with supporting document to HKICA Secretariat at or
The coming examination date for all levels of auditors is scheduled to be held in June 2017. Interested persons can contact Mr Eric Lee at tel 97479288 for more details on the CSQMSA scheme should you have any questions.
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