How to become Members
Follow the following steps to become a HKICA member
Step 1
Find out the specific requirements for your scheme. Select the grade you want to apply for and check that you meet the requirements in terms of:
- Work experience
- Education/qualifications
- Auditor training
- Audit experience (not required for provisional grades)
Please check our class of memberships
Complete the Application form If you are applying for Auditor, Internal Auditor, Lead Auditor, you must also fill in this audit log. Please note: Applications must be in Chinese or English. For other languages, the application must be accompanied by a certified translation (into English or Chinese) of the original text.
Step 3
Enclose your application fee - current fees can be found here. Please submit your application form with other documents online and upload your payment slip according to the email instruction. Please note that application fees cannot be refunded if your application is unsuccessful.
Step 4
We will review your application, and offer you HKICA registration number or request more information if necessary. If your application is accepted, we will ask you to paid your first annual fee. Once we receive payment, you will receive your HKICA Certificate and you will be placed on HKICA's online register of auditors. HKICA Membership and Registration for all schemes is valid for one year from the date of approval except that for the CSQMSA scheme which is valid for three years. If you are a certified internal auditor, assistant auditor, auditor or lead auditor in the CSQMSA scheme and you have paid the application fee/annual fee, your HKICA membership fee will be waived.
What next?
For the first 2 years after approval for the CSQMSA scheme, you have to pay the annual fee to maintain your certification. At the end of the 3rd year, all certified auditors must recertify to continue your certification.