Webinar on “A new Professional for Greater Bay Area cum Engineer Certificate Presentation“
HKICA Seminar
Title: Quality Management Engineer : A new Professional for Greater Bay Area cum Engineer Certificate Presentation (Co-organizers : Hong Kong Institution of Certified Auditors and the School of Science and Technology of Hong Kong Metropolitan University)
Date, Time:
17 September 2022 (Saturday), 9:30am – 11:30am
Webinar in Zoom
Programme Highlight
The main focus of the talk highlights on the rationale of QME professional scheme and the reciprocal recognition arrangement with Guangdong Institution of Engineers (GDIE) of the Greater Bay Area and also to aware everyone present in the seminar about the importance, usages, and setbacks of the above-mentioned topic.
The newly established Greater Bay Area Quality Management Engineer (QME) emphasized the professional competence in both engineering knowledge and management system audit experience of quality personnel. Engineering based quality management personnel safeguarded the effectiveness of engineering process and validity of inspection results, in addition to documentation and process control.
The HKICA Quality Management Engineer (QME) certificate recognized by GDIE will be presented to the awarded before the talk in the presence of the Guest of Honors Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, SBS, MH, JP. Member of Legislative Council of Hong Kong SAR.
Ir Dr Tommy LO, the President of Hong Kong Institution of Certified Auditors; Chairman of HKIE Materials Division, retired Associate Professor of City University of Hong Kong; R.P.E (in Building, Civil, Materials); Honorary Fellow of Guangdong Institution of Engineers (广东省工程师学会荣誉会士) and Specialist Committee of Personnel Certification of China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认证机构人员认证专业委员会委员).
Free of charge
The webinar will be conducted in Cantonese with technical terms and presentation slides in English
Registration & Enquiries
For registration, please click the link at https://forms.gle/sdRbHB1xq2PreHT6A . Number of participants for the webinar is limited to 300 with priority will be given to HKICA members
- Only successful applicants will be notified on or before the seminar.
- Attendance certificate will be presented via registration email after attending the event.
For enquiries, please contact HKICA Secretariat at 2789 2389 or the Event Coordinator Ir Victor K Y LO by email: hkica.victorlo@gmail.com