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Surname Given Name Chinese Name Membership / Grade Class Membership No. / Certificate No. Scheme
LAU Chook Fong, Stanley 劉作晃 Fellow member F0301
Certified Lead Auditor Q00260 (suspended) Certification Scheme for Quality Management System Auditor (ISO 9001)
Provisional Technical Auditor PTA0135 PCCS-RM (Repair Mortars Product)
Provisional Technical Auditor PTA0110 PCCS-CTP (Ceramic Tiles Products)
Provisional Technical Auditor PTA0109 PCCS-TAP (Tile Adhesives Product)
Provisional Technical Auditor PTA0112 PCCS-PFPP (Passive Fire Protection Products)
Registered Auditor 2023-N1QMS-1105445 China Certification and Accreditation Association
Registered Technical Auditor (Provisional) PTA0111 PCCS-WC (Close-coupled Water Closet Suites Product)
Technical Auditor TA0104 PCCS-CP (Cement Products)
Technical Auditor TA0105 PCCS-PP (Paint Products)
KWOK Kam Kong 郭錦江 Member M0297
Certified Lead Auditor Q00201-1 Certification Scheme for Quality Management System Auditor (ISO 9001)
Registered Auditor 2024-N1QMS-2265689 China Certification and Accreditation Association
Registered Technical Auditor (Provisional) PTA0116 PCCS-PFPP (Passive Fire Protection Products)
Registered Technical Auditor (Provisional) PTA0115 PCCS-WC (Close-coupled Water Closet Suites Product)
Registered Technical Auditor (Provisional) PTA0114 PCCS-CTP (Ceramic Tiles Products)
Registered Technical Auditor (Provisional) PTA0113 PCCS-TAP (Tile Adhesives Product)
Registered Technical Auditor (Provisional) PTA0134 PCCS-RM (Repair Mortars Product)
Registered Technical Auditor (Provisional) PTA0118 PCCS-PP (Paint Products)
Registered Technical Auditor (Provisional) PTA0117 PCCS-CP (Cement Products)